

密歇根州米德兰市。威尔明顿(WILMINGTON)和德尔?2017年11月1日消息——杜邦公司(NYSE:DWDP)今天宣布,杜邦公司已经完成了对FMC公司健康与营养业务(FMC H&N)的收购,除了Omega-3业务,并将杜邦的部分作物保护业务剥离给FMC。



此次收购FMC H&N,并将其整合到杜邦营养健康公司(DuPont N&H),巩固了杜邦N&H作为全球领先的可持续生物基食品配料供应商之一的地位,并将其能力扩展到快速增长的制药辅料领域。FMC的互补组合和专业知识将增强杜邦N&H的增长潜力,提供更广泛的产品和解决方案,扩大足迹,强大的研发渠道,并进入不同和互补的市场路线。





Evercore和Goldman,Sachs&Co.担任杜邦的交易财务顾问,Skadden,Arps,Slate,Meagher&Flom LLP作为其法律顾问。


DowDuPont (NYSE:DWDP)是一家由陶氏化学公司和杜邦公司组成的控股公司,旨在在农业、材料科学和特殊产品领域成立强大的、独立的、公开上市的公司,通过生产、销售和销售产品来领导各自的行业。以科学为基础的创新,满足客户需求,帮助解决全球挑战。欲了解更多信息,请访问




陶氏杜邦农业是陶氏杜邦(NYSE: DWDP)旗下的一个业务部门,集杜邦先锋(DuPont Pioneer)、杜邦作物保护(DuPont Crop Protection)和陶氏农业科学(Dow AgroSciences)于一体。农业部门通过强大的研究渠道,涵盖种质、生物技术性状和作物保护,为世界各地的种植者提供了行业中最完整的产品组合。DowDuPont农业致力于提供创新,帮助种植者提高生产力,确保全球人口不断增长的粮食安全。陶氏杜邦有意将农业部门拆分为一家独立的上市公司。更多信息请访问





2015年12月11日,陶氏化学公司(“道”)和依杜邦·德·穆尔和公司(“杜邦”)宣布进入一个协议和合并,计划3月31日修订的2017年(“合并协议”),公司将结合在全股票对等合并事务(“合并交易”)。合并交易于2017年8月31日完成,陶氏和杜邦分别成为陶氏杜邦公司(DowDuPont Inc.)的子公司。有关更多信息,请参阅每个DowDuPont的陶氏和杜邦的最新年度,季度和当前报告形式10 - k, 10和公布,视情况而定,并联合签署的委托书/说明书包含在注册声明形式提交的4 DowDuPont与SEC 3月1日,2016(文件号333 - 209869),根据2016年6月7日的最后修订,并于2016年6月9日由美国证券交易委员会宣布生效(“注册声明”),与合并交易有关。

Forward-looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain, including the intended separation of DowDuPont’s agriculture, materials science and specialty products businesses in one or more tax efficient transactions on anticipated terms (the “Intended Business Separations”). Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are based on certain assumptions and expectations of future events which may not be realized. Forward-looking statements also involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company’s control. Some of the important factors that could cause DowDuPont’s, Dow’s or DuPont’s actual results to differ materially from those projected in any such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: (i) successful integration of the respective agriculture, materials science and specialty products businesses of Dow and DuPont, including anticipated tax treatment, unforeseen liabilities, future capital expenditures, revenues, expenses, earnings, productivity actions, economic performance, indebtedness, financial condition, losses, future prospects, business and management strategies for the management, expansion and growth of the combined operations; (ii) impact of the divestitures required as a condition to consummation of the Merger Transaction as well as other conditional commitments; (iii) achievement of the anticipated synergies by DowDuPont’s agriculture, materials science and specialty products businesses; (iv) risks associated with the Intended Business Separations, including those that may result from the comprehensive portfolio review undertaken by the DowDuPont board, changes and timing, including a number of conditions which could delay, prevent or otherwise adversely affect the proposed transactions, including possible issues or delays in obtaining required regulatory approvals or clearances related to the Intended Business Separations, disruptions in the financial markets or other potential barriers; (v) the risk that disruptions from the Intended Business Separations will harm DowDuPont’s business (either directly or as conducted by and through Dow or DuPont), including current plans and operations; (vi) the ability to retain and hire key personnel; (vii) potential adverse reactions or changes to business relationships resulting from the completion of the merger or the Intended Business Separations; (viii) uncertainty as to the long-term value of DowDuPont common stock; (ix) continued availability of capital and financing and rating agency actions; (x) legislative, regulatory and economic developments; (xi) potential business uncertainty, including changes to existing business relationships, during the pendency of the Intended Business Separations that could affect the company’s financial performance and (xii) unpredictability and severity of catastrophic events, including, but not limited to, acts of terrorism or outbreak of war or hostilities, as well as management’s response to any of the aforementioned factors. These risks, as well as other risks associated with the merger and the Intended Business Separations, are more fully discussed in (1) the Registration Statement and (2) the current, quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC by DowDuPont and to the extent incorporated by reference into the Registration Statement, by Dow and DuPont. While the list of factors presented here is, and the list of factors presented in the Registration Statement are, considered representative, no such list should be considered to be a complete statement of all potential risks and uncertainties. Unlisted factors may present significant additional obstacles to the realization of forward-looking statements. Consequences of material differences in results as compared with those anticipated in the forward-looking statements could include, among other things, business disruption, operational problems, financial loss, legal liability to third parties and similar risks, any of which could have a material adverse effect on DowDuPont’s, Dow’s or DuPont’s consolidated financial condition, results of operations, credit rating or liquidity. None of DowDuPont, Dow or DuPont assumes any obligation to publicly provide revisions or updates to any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws.

