

特拉华州威尔明顿的。那Jan. 27, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --杜邦公司(纽约证券交易所代码:DD)今天宣布,其交换要约的最终兑换比率将是0.7180股的营养和生物科学公司(“N&B”)的普通股,杜邦公司普通股被有效投标且不能正常撤回,接受交换。交换要约是杜邦先前宣布的逆向莫里斯信用交易与国际香精香料公司的一部分(NYSE:IFF)(“IFF”)。

杜邦公司的标志(PRNewsfoto /杜邦)












该沟通在联邦证券法的含义中包含“前瞻性陈述”,包括“证券法”第27A条,以及1934年“修订”的“证券交流法”第21E条(“交流法”)。在这方面,前瞻性陈述往往地满足预期的未来业务和财务绩效和财务状况,通常包含“期待”等词语“预期”,“打算”,“计划,”“求,”“求,”“请参阅,”“遗嘱,”,“目标,”类似的表情,以及这些词的变化或否定。他们的自然地址向前陈述,对不同程度,不确定的事项,如关于拟议交易的陈述,拟议交易的预期时间表,拟议交易的福利和协同作用,联合公司未来机会和产品,拟议的组织和运营模式的好处,联合企业和任何其他关于杜邦,IFF和N&B的未来行动,财务或运营业绩,资本配置,股息政策,债务率,预期的商业水平,未来收益的陈述计划的活动,预期增长,市场机会,策略,竞争以及未来时期的其他期望和目标。有几个因素可能导致实际计划和结果与前瞻性陈述中表达或暗示的那些不同。这些因素包括但不限于(1)缔约方达到关于拟议交易的时机,完成和会计和税收处理的预期的能力,(2)相关税和其他法律的变更,(3)未能获得必要的监管批准,预期的税务处理或任何必要的融资或满足拟议交易的任何其他条件,(4)不可预见的负债,未来资本支出,收入,费用,收益,协同​​作用,经济绩效的可能性,债务,财务状况,损失,未来的前景,商业和管理策略,可能影响拟议的交易的价值,时间或追求,(5)风险和成本和追求和/或实施N&B,包括预期的时间要完成分离,如果实施的情况(6)与分配相关的风险和成本,则对分离中包含的业务配置的任何更改 of Corteva Inc. on June 1, 2019 (the "Corteva Distribution") and the distribution of Dow Inc. on April 1, 2019 (the "Dow Distribution" and together with the Corteva Distribution the "Previous Distributions") including indemnification of certain legacy liabilities of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company ("Historical EID"), a subsidiary of Corteva, in connection with the Corteva Distribution and potential liability arising from fraudulent conveyance and similar laws in connection with the Previous Distributions, (7) risks and costs related to the performance under and impact of the cost sharing arrangement by and between DuPont, Corteva, Inc. and The Chemours Company related to future eligible PFAS liabilities, (8) failure to effectively manage acquisitions, divestitures, alliances, joint ventures and other portfolio changes, including meeting conditions under the Letter Agreement entered in connection with the Corteva Distribution, related to the transfer of certain levels of assets and businesses, (9) uncertainty as to the long-term value of DuPont common stock, (10) potential inability or reduced access to the capital markets or increased cost of borrowings, including as a result of a credit rating downgrade, (11) inherent uncertainties involved in the estimates and judgments used in the preparation of financial statements and the providing of estimates of financial measures, in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America and related standards, or on an adjusted basis, (12) the integration of IFF and its Frutarom business and/or N&B being more difficult, time consuming or costly than expected, (13) the failure to achieve expected or targeted future financial and operating performance and results, (14) the possibility that IFF may be unable to achieve expected benefits, synergies and operating efficiencies in connection with the proposed transaction within the expected time frames or at all or to successfully integrate Frutarom and N&B, (15) customer loss and business disruption being greater than expected following the proposed transaction, (16) the impact of divestitures required as a condition to consummation of the proposed transaction as well as other conditional commitments, (17) legislative, regulatory and economic developments; (18) an increase or decrease in the anticipated transaction taxes (including due to any changes to tax legislation and its impact on tax rates (and the timing of the effectiveness of any such changes)), (19) potential litigation relating to the proposed transaction that could be instituted against DuPont, IFF or their respective directors, (20) risks associated with third party contracts containing consent and/or other provisions that may be triggered by the proposed transaction, (21) negative effects of the announcement or the consummation of the transaction on the market price of DuPont's and/or IFF's common stock, (22) risks relating to the value of the IFF shares to be issued in the transaction and uncertainty as to the long-term value of IFF's common stock, (23) the impact of the failure to comply with U.S. or foreign anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws and regulations, (24) the ability of N&B or IFF to retain and hire key personnel, (25) the risk that N&B, as a newly formed entity that currently has no credit rating, will not have access to the capital markets on acceptable terms, (26) the risk that N&B and IFF will incur significant indebtedness in connection with the potential transaction, and the degree to which IFF will be leveraged following completion of the potential transaction may materially and adversely affect its business, financial condition and results of operations, (27) the ability to obtain or consummate financing or refinancing related to the transaction upon acceptable terms or at all, (28) that N&B may not achieve certain targeted cost and productivity improvements, which could adversely impact its results of operations and financial condition, (29) the risk that natural disasters, public health issues, epidemics and pandemics, including the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), or the fear of such events, could provoke responses that cause delays in the anticipated transaction timing or the completion of transactions related thereto, including, without limitation, as a result of any government or company imposed travel restrictions or the closure of government offices and resulting delays with respect to any matters pending before such governmental authorities and (30) other risks to DuPont's, N&B's and IFF's business, operations and results of operations including from: failure to develop and market new products and optimally manage product life cycles; ability, cost and impact on business operations, including the supply chain, of responding to changes in market acceptance, rules, regulations and policies and failure to respond to such changes; outcome of significant litigation, environmental matters and other commitments and contingencies; failure to appropriately manage process safety and product stewardship issues; global economic and capital market conditions, including the continued availability of capital and financing, as well as inflation, interest and currency exchange rates; changes in political conditions, including tariffs, trade disputes and retaliatory actions; impairment of goodwill or intangible assets; the availability of and fluctuations in the cost of energy and raw materials; business or supply disruption, including in connection with the Previous Distributions; security threats, such as acts of sabotage, terrorism or war, natural disasters and weather events and patterns, disasters, public health issues, epidemics and pandemics, including COVID-19, or the fear of such events, and the inherent unpredictability, duration and severity of such events, which could result in a significant operational event for DuPont, N&B or IFF, adversely impact demand or production; ability to discover, develop and protect new technologies and to protect and enforce DuPont's, N&B's or IFF's intellectual property rights;, as well as management's response to any of the aforementioned factors. These risks, as well as other risks associated with the proposed merger, are more fully discussed in the registration statement and proxy statement filed by IFF and the registration statement filed by N&B. While the list of factors presented here is, and the list of factors presented in registration statements filed by each of IFF and N&B in connection with the transaction, are considered representative, no such list should be considered to be a complete statement of all potential risks and uncertainties. Unlisted factors may present significant additional obstacles to the realization of forward-looking statements. Further lists and descriptions of risks and uncertainties can be found in IFF's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019, DuPont's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2019, and each of IFF's and DuPont's respective subsequent reports on Form 10-Q, Form 10-K and Form 8-K, the contents of which are not incorporated by reference into, nor do they form part of, this announcement. Any other risks associated with the proposed transaction are more fully discussed in the registration statements filed with the SEC. While the list of factors presented here is, and the list of factors presented in the registration statements, as amended, filed by each of IFF or N&B are representative, no such list should be considered to be a complete statement of all potential risks and uncertainties. Unlisted factors may present significant additional obstacles to the realization of forward-looking statements. Consequences of material differences in results as compared with those anticipated in the forward-looking statements could include, among other things, business disruption, operational problems, financial loss, legal liability to third parties and similar risks, any of which could have a material adverse effect on IFF's, DuPont's or N&B's consolidated financial condition, results of operations, credit rating or liquidity. None of IFF, DuPont nor N&B assumes any obligation to publicly provide revisions or updates to any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws.


这种通信并不打算,不得构成要约出售或要约出售或征集的征集收购任何证券或征集投票批准,不得有任何出售证券的任何管辖权的报价,根据任何该等司法管辖区的证券法,在注册或取得资格之前进行招揽或出售均属非法。除非通过符合《1933年证券法》(经修订的《证券法》)第10节要求的招股书,否则不得发行证券。与提议的交易有关,N&B已在2020年12月31日的S-4/S-1表格上提交了一份包含招股说明书的注册声明,IFF已在2020年12月31日的S-4表格上提交了一份包含招股说明书的注册声明(合称为“注册声明”)。杜邦公司已向美国证券交易委员会提交了一份附表。投资者和证券持有人应阅读注册声明,杜邦的时间表,以及这些文件的任何修订或补充,以及任何其他相关文件提交或将提交给美国证券交易委员会,因为这些文件将包含n&b, iff和杜邦以及拟议交易的重要信息。注册声明、杜邦的时间表和其他与拟议交易相关的文件(当它们可用时)也可以从美国证券交易委员会的网站免费获取www.sec.gov..这些文件和每个公司的其他文件与SEC(可用时)也可以免费获得,杜邦和n和b,在书面请求我国LLC在美洲的1290大道,9号楼,纽约,纽约10104,或通过电话888-660-8331,或者,敌我识别,请向纽约10019 West 57 Street 521号的International flavor & Fragrances Inc.投资者关系部提出书面请求或致电(212)708-7164。

此外,对于任何有关交换要约的问题,一般您可以联系信息代理Georgeson LLC,电话888-660-8331。


